Coronavirus Update

As you are no doubt aware, there is currently a world Coronavirus pandemic, and like most businesses, we have made changes in line with our business continuity plan.

Our hope is to provide our usual and undisrupted high level of service to our clients.

All our offices remain open, although we would ask that clients only attend by pre-arranged appointment and if a telephone conference is suitable, then this should be preferential. You must not attend our offices if you have symptoms or are living with someone who has symptoms of the Coronavirus, which is in line with Government guidance.

All our offices have increased their precautionary measures to try and prevent the spread of the Coronavirus and you will see a one-metre line at our reception areas and our staff may not shake your hand. Please do not be offended.

We would ask for your patience and understanding at this unprecedented time as some of our staff may be absent from work or working from home.

The best way to communicate with us and send documents to us is by email, and you can find your representative’s contact details on our team page.

We will keep you up to date, and should you have any queries, then please do not hesitate to contact us.